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St Richard's

Church of England First School

Autumn 2


This term in English we are looking at texts set in Roman times. In History, we learn about the mighty Roman army and the invasion attempts on Britannia. This knowledge transfers to writing where we write a letter of a new recruit to the Roman army and then a diary of a soldier serving under Emperor Claudius and the events he experienced during the successful invasion. 

We then retell the story 'Escape from Pompeii' which follows the story of 2 children, Tranio and Livia, who experience the wrath of Mount Vesuvius first hand. 


We start this term by looking at Roman Numerals and how the number system started. 

We move onto looking at negative numbers (related to temperature etc), multiplying by 1 and 0, multiplying 3 numbers together, perimeter of rectangles and rectilinear shapes and measuring in meters and kilometers.



We continue our daily guided reading sessions focusing on using dictionaries with increasing accuracy and discussing words and phrases in the texts that capture the reader's interest and imagination. We also look at drawing inferences such as inferring character's feelings, thoughts and motives from their actions and justifying this with evidence from the text. 



This term's topic is States of matter. We will be studying solids, liquids and gasses.

We will:

  • Compare and group materials together, according to whether they are solids, liquids or gases
  • Observe that some materials change state when they are heated or cooled, and measure or research the temperature at which this happens in degrees Celsius (°C)
  • Identify the part played by evaporation and condensation in the water cycle and associate the rate of evaporation with temperature



In History this half term we will be learning about the Romans. We will start with where the Romans came from, how the army became so strong and how and why they invaded the countries they did. We look at the lasting legacy that the Romans left in Britain.

Our over-arching questions that we will be working towards answering are:


How did the Roman Empire spread?

What was the Roman impact on Britain?



Our weekly lessons will be working towards answering these questions by the end of the unit. 



This terms topic is 'L'argent de poche' - pocket money. The children will continue improving their speaking, listening and writing skills whilst learning new vocabulary. 


We continue our violin lessons, learning about rhythm, volume, pitch and frequency. We will be working towards a concert for the year 4 parents in July. 




This terms topic will be dance. We will be looking at beat, rhythm, mirroring, sequence and routine. 


Our big question for this term is: What is the Trinity and why is it important for Christians?

We will look at what a Gospel is and offer suggestions about what texts about baptism and Trinity mean. We look at the story of John the Baptist. We will also describe how Christians show their beliefs about God the Trinity in worship in different ways (in baptism and prayer, for example) and in the way they live

We will finish by making links between some Bible texts studied and the idea of God in Christianity, expressing clearly some ideas of our own about what Christians believe God is like.



This term is all about - 'Who are these people?'

By the end of this module, pupils should be able to:

  • Understand the various types of relationships in their lives
  • be clear about ways of keeping safe on line and in other cyber spaces
  • comment on differences between their lives and the lives of others


In art we will be recreating Roman mosaics using real ceramic mosaic tiles. Over this unit we will:

  • explore the roles and purposes of craftspeople and designers working in the Roman times
  • compare mosaic artwork from historical to contemporary periods.
  • create a plan for a tiled mosaic
  • experiment and create a tiled mosaic.