Contact Details
- St Richard's Church of England First
- School, Four Pools Lane, Evesham,
- Worcestershire, WR11 1DU
- Telephone: 01386446416
- Email:
| Autumn 1 | Autumn 2 | Spring 1 | Spring 2 | Summer 1 | Summer 2 |
Topic Title |
EYFS | Me and my town
| Blast Off! | Animal Antics | We're going on an adventure! | Growing good! | Splish, Splash, Splosh |
Year 1 | Super Me! | Wondrous Woodlands | Pond Dippers! | On the Farm | On The Farm | Schools Out for Summer |
Year 2 | Fire, Fire! | Fly Me to the Moon | Incredible Icescapes | Fascination of the Forest | Fascination of the Forest Continued | Deep Sea Detectives |
Year 3 | Isles of Wonder | Rolling Stones | Walk like an Egyptian | Bee-yond the School Gates | Awesome Forces
| Groovy Greeks |
Year 4 | Where in the World? | Romans Rule! | Bella Italia | Settling Saxons | Raindrops and Rivers | Victorious Vikings: Traders or Raiders |
Year 5 | South America! | Victorious Vikings: Traders or Raiders? | Is There Anybody Out There? | Off With Her Head! | Walking Through Worcestershire | Growing Up, Moving On |