Contact Details
- St Richard's Church of England First
- School, Four Pools Lane, Evesham,
- Worcestershire, WR11 1DU
- Telephone: 01386446416
- Email:
Current Bi-Weekly Maths Puzzle
Well done to our TTRockstars October Half Term Competition winners!
Well done to the winner of the Spring Maths Puzzle!
TTRockstars and Numbots February Half Term Competition
NSPCC Number Day - 2024!
TTRockstars and Numbots October Half Term Competition
Well done to the winner of the Summer Maths Puzzle!
Well done to the winner of the Spring Maths Puzzle!
TTRockstar February Half Term Competition Winners!
Wow! A fantastic effort was made by all during our TTRockstars competition in the battle of the classes! Here are our winners...
Year 1 :
Class Champions: 1NS
1st place: Mabel
2nd place: Mia
3rd place: Filip
Year 2 :
Class Champions: 2AB
1st place: Olivia M
2nd place: Evie S
3rd place: Lorcan
Year 3 :
Class Champions: 3SE
1st place: Robert M
2nd place: Aminah
3rd place: Nellie
Year 4 :
Class Champions: 4MJ
1st place: Harry
2nd place: Dakota
3rd place: Travis
Year 5 :
Class Champions: 5SL
1st place: Keira
2nd place: Ella
3rd place: Charlie
NSPCC Number Day - Friday 3rd February
Everyone at St Richard’s had a fantastic time celebrating Number Day and raising money for the NSPCC.
We all dressed up and wore an item of clothing which had a number on, as well as taking part in lots of fun Maths activities. Some of these included completing Buddy’s Key Challenge, playing fun Maths-based games and making our own Maths games to name just a few.
A brilliant day was had by all!
Please see below for some pictures of the exciting things we got up to.
Maths Displays
Take a look at some of the fantastic Maths displays and working walls that can be found around school to celebrate Maths. These are a great resource for the children to refer to so they can re-cap and build on prior learning.
The 2014 National Curriculum for Maths aims to ensure that all children:
When teaching mathematics at St Richard’s, we intend to provide a curriculum which caters for the needs of all individuals.
We incorporate sustained levels of challenge through varied and high quality activities with a focus on fluency, reasoning and problem solving.
We are committed to ensuring that children are able to recognise the importance of Maths in the wider world and that they are also able to use their mathematical skills and knowledge confidently in their lives in a range of different contexts. We want all children to enjoy Mathematics and to experience success in the subject, with the ability to reason mathematically. We are committed to developing children’s curiosity about the subject, as well as an appreciation of the beauty and power of Mathematics.
At St Richard's, Maths is taught through discrete maths lessons across the school and re-capped in SODA (Start Of the Day Activity) in KS2.
White Rose provides the ‘backbone’ of our mathematics curriculum, ensuring that there is progression of learning both within and across the year groups. Our fantastic teachers are encouraged to adapt the White Rose scheme where necessary, to suit the needs of the pupils and to provide rich, cross-curricular links where appropriate.
Our Maths curriculum starts in Reception, where children are given the opportunity to explore the concept of number and develop their understanding of numbers to ten through a range of practical activities. Concrete materials such as numicon and dienes are used throughout the school to introduce new learning to children before moving onto pictorial representations, and finally into abstract thinking.
During lessons, children are given the chance to practise their fluency skills. Once grasped, they can then have a go at applying these skills to solve a range of problems through ‘Maths Mastery’ challenges linked to the learning.
In every classroom, you will see a Maths working wall, displaying the learning being taught that week with key vocabulary and/ or examples of methods for the children to refer to.
Maths is also celebrated at St Richard’s in the wider curriculum: a fun Maths puzzle is published fortnightly in the school Newsletter for children to engage with at home, every child has access to a Numbots/ TTRockstars account, regular TTRockstar competitions happen across the school to encourage children to practise their times tables through healthy competition and NSPCC Number Day is celebrated every year with a range of fun activities on the day. We have also recently published a ‘Maths Together’, encouraging parents and carers to discuss with their children all of the Maths they can see at home. As well as this, links are made to Maths in other subjects where possible and the importance of Maths in real-life is regularly discussed. In our weekly achievement assemblies, there is a ‘Maths Master’ certificate awarded to one child in each class for a fantastic achievement in Maths that week.
We are also very proud of our four wonderful Maths Buddies in Year 5 who take on a range of roles, including promoting (and sometimes even designing) the fortnightly Maths Puzzle, as well as helping children in Year 4 prepare for their Multiplication Tables Check.