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St Richard's

Church of England First School

Uniform Information

At St Richard's CE First School we encourage all children to take pride in themselves by dressing smartly, practically and economically. We also want children to gain a sense of belonging and commitment to our school. We feel these aims are more readily achieved by an agreed school dress code.


St Richard's personalised uniform is available from The school shop, High Street, Evesham. Please ensure that all items are clearly named.


Please can all children in Reception bring a pair of named wellington boots to school please. These will need to remain in school. 



  • Dark grey skirt or pinafore dress - Required - generic item permitted 
  • Dark grey or black trousers  - Required - generic item permitted 
  • Royal blue polo shirt - Required - generic item permitted, logo item can be purchased at parents discretion 
  • Royal blue school cardigan or jumper - Required - generic item permitted, logo item can be purchased at parents discretion 
  • White or grey tights or socks - Required - generic item permitted 
  • Shoes - sensible school shoes - black, brown or navy (no trainers)



  • Light blue and white checked dress - Optional - Generic item permitted 
  • Royal blue polo shirt and grey shorts - Generic item permitted 
  • Shoes - sensible school shoes - black, brown or navy (no trainers or open toed sandals)


For PE children will require;

  • White tee-shirt- Required - Generic item permitted 
  • Black shorts -Required - Generic item permitted 
  • Black pumps or trainers - Required - generic item permitted 
  • For cold weather a track suit - Navy blue , black or grey (No bright colours permitted)


Jewellery:  Jewellery is not permitted at school. 

Jewellery is not permitted at school. If your child must wear earrings due to them recently been pierced they must be small studs. Any children wearing necklaces that are not for religious reasons must be removed and earrings will be taped up during PE lessons.



Hair accessories: Please keep hair accessories to a minimum and they should be discrete. We request that JoJo bows and alice bands with animal ears are not permitted.


Please note: Extremes of fashion, hairstyles or make-up are not acceptable


Second hand uniform


There is always a display of second hand uniform in the foyer by the school office. Our PTA will also at times, have second hand uniform stalls on the school playground at the end of the school day. 

If parents have any further questions regarding second hand uniform please contact the school office in person or via phone or email. 
