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St Richard's

Church of England First School

Year 3


In music, we are learning to play the recorders. We are having so  much fun!

Evesham Geography Walk


To launch our local area geography topic we went for a walk around Evesham, noting land use and landmarks. On our return to school, we mapped our route using ordnance survey mapping symbols to mark places of interest.

Changes in land use around Evesham


We looked at maps from 1890, 1950 and 2020 to see how the land use had changed. We were amazed to find out how much bigger Evesham has become and that there was no school on our current site until after 1950.

Both children and staff enjoyed being transported back in time and visiting Ancient Egypt.

Here are just some of their comments:-

“ I liked it because I got to go inside a pyramid” – Niall

“It was amazing because I thought that I was in Egypt” – Maddie

“ It was amazing because it was so real” – Robert S

“ I really enjoyed it because I could see dead bodies and the inside of the pyramamids” – Oscar

“ Wow! This is amazing, I’m actually in Egypt.” – Tyler

“ I loved the experience because of the creativity of the experience and in the temples.” – Aminah

“ Wow! That was amazing! I loved it because it showed loads of things about Egypt and the Great Pyramid of Giza.” – India

“ It was amazing because I saw Tutankhamun’s tomb and lots of pyramids.” – Ozzie

“ It was amazing because I saw the paintings on the walls inside of the pyramids.” – Lewis

“It was incredible!” – Kayla

99% of the class now want to visit Egypt.

In English we have enjoyed writing poems about the Egyptians and then performing them in the Poetry Cafe. 

Spring 2 - Bee-yond the school gates!


This half term we will be looking at our local area around Evesham, including how the land use has changed. We will also be trying out our mapping skills when we explore our local area on foot. Our science topic is Plants and we will enhance our learning with a trip to Smite Farm. Here members of the Worcestershire Wildlife trust will help us to investigate plants and soils.

We enjoyed using our library session to read and share local history stories, including the story of Eof and the story of Bishop Edgwin.

Even though it rained we had great fun using our mapping skills  orienteering in the school grounds.

NSPCC Number Day

Year 3 had a great time celebrating Number Day and raising money for the NSPCC.

We all dressed up in an item of clothing which had a number on and took part in a fun binary Maths activity. Did you know that without numbers, we wouldn't have computers, tablets, cash points, websites or mobile phones? We learnt that binary code is a computer programming language that uses sequences of binary numbers to write algorithms (instructions) to make things happen.  We solved some binary maths questions and even used a binary code to write our names.


Please see below for some pictures. 




We have been using our 'green fingers' and make our school a nicer, bee friendlier place.  To begin with, we weeded and tidied all of the flower beds, planted potatoes and sowed seeds indoors. We also prepared and planted a wildflower meadow.  We will add more photos to this album as its grows!
