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St Richard's

Church of England First School



Arrangements for supporting pupils moving between phases of education

Induction is important to us and we invest time in welcoming our learners in a way that makes them feel part of our setting. Prior to entry, we encourage families of children with SEND to visit the school separately for an informal tour of the school, and to discuss information that specifically relates to their child’s requirements. Extended transitions can also be arranged at this time when families can come in and take photographs, meet their class teacher, and allow the child to familiarise them self with the new setting.


  • We use taster days and half day visits to support children in their transfer to our school
  • We have good relationships with feeder settings as well as settings children move onto.


For more information about your child joining St Richard’s CE First School, please contact the main school office on 01905 446416 or email the office at:


Transition to new settings

Pupils are prepared for transition to a new setting on an individual basis, depending on the level of need. This might include additional visits to the new setting, or a phased transition with set times in both our school and the new school. Others may be supported through materials which address key aspects of the new setting, including photographs and key information. The school works closely with both the family and the new setting at this time, in order to achieve a smooth transition.


The school has strong links with the local high schools, and extended transitions are available for any vulnerable pupils, including those with SEND. Parents are encouraged to make extra visits to the school at various times throughout the day. Staff from both settings liaise closely with each other in order to share information about all pupils.
