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St Richard's

Church of England First School

Late/Absence Procedures

Attendance Information for Parents


Authorised Absences

  • Genuine illness of the pupil.
  • Major religious observances.
  • External exams or educational assessments.


Unauthorised Absence

  • Shopping / Day trip / visit to a theme park.
  • A birthday treat.
  • Oversleeping due to a late night.
  • Looking after other children / other family member.
  • Appointments for other family members.
  • Holidays, unless for exceptional circumstances.


Registers, Punctuality and Lateness

  • Punctuality to school is crucial. Lateness into school causes disruption to that individual’s

learning and to that of the other pupils in the class. It is paramount therefore that all pupils arrive at school on time.

  • Registration is at 9.00 am.
  • By law, schools must take a morning and afternoon register and record the attendance or
  • absence of every pupil.
  • Registration closes at 9:10 am, after this lateness is recorded as an unauthorised absence and can be subject to prosecution by the local authority.
  • Pupils’ attendance and punctuality is recorded on their report and will be passed on to a future school as necessary.


Lateness procedures

  • Parents / carers to report to the office and sign their child in. A member of staff will then escort the child to the classroom. Parents should not take their child to the classroom, as there may be no-one to supervise them. Office Staff will amend their SIMS registers.
  • Persistent lateness by a pupil will be dealt with through the school and may be referred to

Education Welfare.


Follow up Absences

  • The School Admin Team notes down all absent children from SIMs registration. The School

Admin Team will check Leave of Absence forms and then will contact parents on any day when a pupil is absent without explanation (i.e. first day contact). Parents should telephone school with reasons for absence, on first day of absence; the class teacher will be notified. This call is logged and the reason for absence noted. Every effort will be made to contact home. If we are unable to contact home we will consider using emergency contact numbers and / or safe and well check.

  • When the pupil returns to school, parents should provide an explanation for absence.
  • If a pupil is absent with a regular sickness/illness then the Headteacher should be notified.These absences could be regular odd days or longer spells.
  • The office staff will supply attendance percentages to the Headteacher on a weekly basis. These will be analysed. At the end of half term, letters will be sent to families whose attendance is a cause for concern.


Pupils leaving School during the Day

  • During school hours the school staff are legally in loco parentis and therefore must know where pupils are during the school day.
  • Pupils are not allowed to leave the premises without prior permission from the school.
  • Whenever possible, parents should try to arrange medical and other appointments outside of school time.
  • Parents are requested to confirm the reason for any planned absence, the time of leaving and the expected return time.
  • Pupils must be signed out on leaving the school and be signed back in on their return using the Inventory computer system in the foyer.
  • Where a pupil is being collected from the school, parents are to report to the school office before the pupil is allowed to leave the site.


Leave of Absence

  • The school holiday dates and end of Key Stage Assessment dates are published a year in

advance and leave of absence will not be authorised during these assessment periods.

  • INSET days are published as soon as the school have agreed these, but may be subject to
  • change.
  • School will follow the Leave in Term Time Absence Policy published by Worcestershire County
  • In line with government’s amendments (Sept 2013) holidays during term time will NOT be


  • The Headteacher and Governors have determined that in exceptional circumstances permission may be given provided the child has a good attendance (96% or higher) record over the previous three terms.
  • Where leave of absence in term time is due to exceptional circumstances, an application form must be requested from the school office and submitted for consideration by the Headteacher on behalf of the Governors, no less than 4 weeks prior to the requested date. Consideration will then be given to the pupil’s previous school attendance.
  • If leave is taken without prior authorisation by the school, it will be recorded as an unauthorised absence and Education Welfare will be notified.


Penalty Notices

  • Penalty notices can be issued for unauthorised leave and may also be issued when a carer fails to ensure regular attendance.


Failure to ensure Regular School Attendance

  • The school monitors attendance each week. Any concerns are shared with the parent through a phone call or a meeting. If the concern persists a letter will be sent to parents each half term informing them of their child’s % attendance, the importance of regular attendance and how the school can support.
  • If there is no improvement in school attendance the school will refer to EWO who work in

partnership with school and parents in support of pupils who are failing to attend school on a regular basis.

  • Education Welfare may also issue a Penalty Notice to parent / carers who are failing to secure their child’s regular school attendance and are not engaging with supportive measures to improve attendance proposed by the school or EWOs.